30 November 2011

A boring update

Dear Mom and Dad,

Please thank Ruby for her wonderful comments. I didn't know she was so bilingual. Yes, we have been traveling many miles and Charlie has figured that we have spent over 20 hours riding a bus around Ecuador, which means we average at least one hour a day on a bus.  He also has figured that we have averaged spending $30 a day, so we should be good with money and buying small things for gifts. We can't mail them because it is so expensive to mail overseas. Currently, we have asked three different post offices and the price is between $55 to $75 dollars to mail a small package. Since the gifts combine don't equal that much, we are waiting upon our arrival to distribute them. Christmas will have to come late.

Riding the Devil's Nose train was very exciting and scenic. I loved looking and enjoying the landscape. To be honest, we snuck a bottle (or two) of wine on the ride, and enjoyed it that much more. Here are a few pictures of us riding the train, and some of the landscape in the background.

These next two pictures are of the indigenous people dancing their tradicional dance. Yes, Charlie and I joined them. We were the only ones from the group to do so. Shocker.

The next picture is of Charlie and I in front of the "Devil's Nose" The mountain in the background is supposed to be it, but I didn't really see it. It looks like a mountain. Maybe if you squint your eyes and tilt your head to the right?
 More train pics....

This next picture is of Charlie messing around in the "Children's Park." This was taken in Alausi, which is a pretty quiet town if you can't tell from the picture. I feel bad for the children that have to use this as a park.
These next two photos are of the San Pedro monument. The ONLY monument in Alausi, and we thought it was a Jesus the entire time.

We have bused from Alausi to Riobamba and now are in Guayaquil. It is HOT and HUMID here. Not complaining. :)

I may never leave the coast. This is where I'm supposed to be. Tomorrow we are taking off to another coastal town because it's pretty expensive here. Hopefully we will find nice beaches and beautiful waters for me to tan my white body. I'll keep you updated on where we are headed.

Love and miss you,

Matti Jo and Charles Dale

PS. Charlie has now requested that I sign his name as well because even though I am the one writing it, he's taking the pictures so the posts are equally from the both of us.


  1. Matti & Charlie--I like the hats. Was it a bad hair day or were you just cold??? Love the news letters- keep them coming and also the pictures(thanks Charlie). I guess Ruby sent you a nice comment(I don't know what she wrote but maybe she was wondering when you are coming home). Take care--I love you to the moon and back--Nanny

  2. Not boring at all. sounds WONDERFUL!! I wish I coudl have picture or better yet a video of you and Charlie dancing with Spanish people. No matter the tune, I bet you were right on the beat, "after all you did take dance for 15 years" :)
    How is your Spanish speaking going??
    Love you and miss you
    Mom Mitchell

  3. looks like you are having way too much fun!! I am missing you more than ever! MOM Wendy

  4. Hey so the reason I haven't been commenting is not because I haven't been check this site 30x a day because I do. It is that I can never figure it out, but I refuse to be out done by a dog. If Ruby can comment in Spanish I think I can figure out how to comment in English. I will continue to copy and paste this until it goes more smoothly.

    I am thrilled that you are know signing Charlies name his pictures have been wonderful, but I do think he has a really good model.

    I am a little annoyed to read that you are spending your mmoney wisely, as I was hoping you guys would run out quickly, and then you would have to come back. Happy you are having fun, and can always find the places with ice cream.
    Love Mallory (In case this say annnoyomous or something stupid)

    times tried 3

  5. gm 4 degrees this am and finally some snow tomorrow. have fun. love, Dr. V


Split, Croatia

Dear Mom and Dad, Split, Croatia, was our last stop on this amazing adventure. This was easily one of the prettiest places that I've...