06 August 2019

Rome Part 2

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm going to try and get the blog caught up these next few days.

More pictures from the Vatican Museum. The first two pictures are of a decorative piece from one of the larger bathhouses.

 These are map of Europe.

The entrance to the Sistine Chapel. Pictures weren't allowed however we did take a secret one of the most iconic spot of God touching Adam and giving him life.

 Another old map. I'm obsessed with maps.

The next set of pictures are from Saint Peter's Basilica which is the church in the Vatican. We paid $10 each to climb to the top and see the views.

The first few pics are of us looking down into the church

 535 steps later, we made it.

 These sunglasses are some random lady's that was at the top because I kept complaining that my eyes looked squinty. May I remind you that neither one of us owns sunglasses at this point as Michael lost his and I dropped and broke my second pair during this tour.

 This is the top where as were looking out.

These next few pics are inside the church. The first one is of me with the Angel's and holy water. First, you had to have your shoulders and knees covered. I didn't have anything to cover my knees so I had to buy a scarf that were strategically sold there. Also, please note that an Asian woman literally stuck bother her hands I  the holy water and used it to wash her face. Like had no clue what it was there for.

 Guards oustide.

 The Pope lives in this building. He gives his speech every Sunday from the third window on the right.

Next post is all about the Colossium.


Matti and Michael

Split, Croatia

Dear Mom and Dad, Split, Croatia, was our last stop on this amazing adventure. This was easily one of the prettiest places that I've...